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Annual Meeting:

American Society of Emergency Radiology 2023 Annual Meeting

October 18-21, 2023
Hilton San Diego Bayfront – San Diego, CA


Submission Opens March 15, 2023, and Closes May 16, 2023

The American Society of Emergency Radiology invites the submission of abstracts to be presented during the ASER 2023 Annual Meeting on October 18-21, 2023, in San Diego, California. Thank you for your interest in participating in this exciting opportunity to present your work at the ASER Annual Meeting!

Abstract Submission Guidelines

All physicians or physicians in-training interested in emergency and trauma radiology are encouraged to submit abstracts. Scientific Oral Presentation sessions at the ASER meeting are closed sessions for members only. This closed status allows authors to submit abstracts to ASER that are also submitted for presentation at other scientific meetings. Presenters are further encouraged to submit their original scientific or review papers to be considered for publication in the ASER Journal, Emergency Radiology.

Instructions for Online Submission

Submission Requirements

  • All abstracts are limited to 2300 characters (including spaces).
  • Abstracts should be formatted according to the guidelines for the selected category.
  • Case-of-the-Day submissions do not require a full abstract, only a brief description.
  • Scientific abstracts can be submitted for an oral presentation (in-person) or as a 7-slide scientific digital exhibit.
  • For all abstracts, you may upload up one PDF formatted file containing up to four slides/images to support your submission. These are optional but encouraged. They may include figures/tables or example PowerPoint slides (converted to PDF format only).
  • Accepted educational abstracts will be developed into 7-slide educational digital exhibit format.


Scientific abstracts submitted for oral presentation will be delivered at an assigned date/time and are limited to seven minutes followed by three minutes for discussion.  Scientific presentations are completed hypothesis-driven research with supporting data.  A comprehensive report, a work-in-progress report of ongoing research of emerging ideas and techniques and containing initial substantive results, or a brief pertinent report of a new or emerging aspect of radiology may be considered.

Please format scientific presentations using the following content headings:

  • PURPOSE: This short section should include a brief background or impetus for the study.  A hypothesis for the work should be clear.
  • MATERIALS AND METHODS: This section should briefly outline the subject population, data source, methodology and techniques.
  • RESULTS: This important section should summarize the observed outcome(s) of the study. Specific data may include the number of individuals in the study, demographic information on the study population, and numerical outcomes data (if appropriate: means, standard deviations, p-values, confidence intervals). For survey projects, please include the response rate.
  • CONCLUSION: This section should present the primary take home message of the study, secondary important discoveries, and touch on the wider applicability or significance of the findings.

Scientific abstracts can be submitted for an oral presentation only, or you may select to be considered as a scientific digital exhibit (7-slide format) if your abstract is not accepted for oral presentation: Indicating this option allows the Scientific Program Committee to place your abstract, pending acceptance, in the scientific digital exhibit (7-slide format) if it is better suited for this medium.


Educational exhibits should be designed to teach or review radiologic signs, pathologic correlations, procedures, techniques, treatments, and interventions or other aspects related to the practice of imaging.

Educational digital exhibits may refer to authors’ personal research data in the exhibit to emphasize educational points. If the aim of the exhibit, however, is to present focused research data and conclusions, this work should be submitted as a scientific abstract (which can be elected during submission to be presented electronically only if desired).

Educational exhibit abstracts should be constructed using the following section headings:

  • LEARNING OBJECTIVES: This section should outline the specific educational goals of the presentation. This can be presented in complete sentences or in bulleted/numbered format.
  • BACKGROUND: This section should provide a foundation as to why this material is important to the learner. The section may include epidemiology, review misconceptions about the condition in question, discuss diagnostic challenges, or assess the impact of technological progress. 
  • CONTENT: This section should present the material to achieve the educational goals outlined in the Learning Objectives section.  Consider text, illustrations, and images needed to get the point across.  Also consider the order and layout.  A presentation will have an easy-to-follow progression with clear and sufficient illustration to support the aims provided.
  • SUMMARY: This section briefly summarizes and reinforces the content presented with respect to the stated background and aims.



The 7-slide Digital Exhibits must be prepared using the ASER specifications for viewing on the online meeting app.

Click Here for Format Guidelines and Instructions

Following acceptance, final digital exhibits must be submitted to the ASER Meeting Management office via the ASER Abstract site by: August 14, 2023. Revisions to your exhibit after this date are NOT allowed.

As in prior years, a select number of educational digital exhibit submissions will be selected to prerecord their educational exhibit to be presented at the conference. These presentations are limited to five minutes. Additional information regarding these brief presentations will be provided in the acceptance notification letter.


Cases-of-the-day are challenging or interesting cases. If the diagnosis is not imaging specific, surgical or pathologic, proof should be available for confirmation. Please provide a brief clinical history of your challenging or interesting case. A formal abstract is not necessary. 

Case of the Day Format: All accepted Cases-of-the-Day Exhibitors will be required to submit images (format to be determined) displaying the case and an associated question with answer options. correct answer noted, explanation, and references. Materials are due on or before August 14, 2023. Revisions after this date are NOT allowed. 

Additional instructions regarding the exhibit and question upload as well as the presentation will be provided in the acceptance notification letter.


Oral Scientific Presentation Awards: The ASER will recognize first (summa cum laude), second (magna cum laude), third (cum laude) place for oral scientific presentations with awards based on expert panel scoring. Awardees will be recognized at an honors ceremony during the annual meeting and presented with a certificate. All presenting authors are eligible (trainee and non-trainee).

Educational Exhibit Awards: The ASER will recognize first (summa cum laude), second (magna cum laude), and third (cum laude) place best overall educational exhibits with awards. Presentations will be scored based on their educational content and quality of presentation. Awardees will be recognized at an honors ceremony during the annual meeting and presented with a certificate. All educational exhibits are eligible (trainee and non-trainee).

Trainee Scientific Presentation Award: John H. Harris, MD Award: This award recognizes the best oral presentation of original research by a trainee. Presenters must be a trainee (in an accredited program) at the time of oral presentation. If a trainee wins the best overall scientific presentation for the meeting (summa cum laude oral presentation), they would also be eligible for this award.

Trainee Educational Exhibit Award: Robert A. Novelline, MD Award: The best educational exhibit which is first authored by a trainee will be presented with the Robert A. Novelline, MD Award. Eligible trainees include residents, fellows and medical students. If a trainee wins the best overall educational exhibit for the entire meeting, they would also be eligible for this award.