Brigham and Women’s Hospital – Boston, MA

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.Open Spots – 3

Emory University School of Medicine – Atlanta, GA

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

Indiana University – Indianapolis, IN

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.Open Spots – 1

Jackson Memorial Hospital Ryder Trauma Center, Affiliated with the University of Miami Health System – Miami, FL

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

Keck School of Medicine of USC – Los Angeles, CA

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

The University of British Columbia

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

The University of Cincinnati - Cincinnati, OH

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

University of Kentucky - Lexington, KY

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

University of Maryland Medical Center - College Park, MD

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

Massachusetts General - Boston, MA

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

UMass Medical School - Worcester, MA

University of Ottawa - Canada

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at Houston

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

The University of Texas Health Sciences Center – San Antonio

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

University of Washington - Seattle, WA

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

Yale School of Medicine - New Haven, CT

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

Ohio State University - Columbus, OH

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.

University of Toronto - Toronto, Ontario

A woman with short hair wearing a purple shirt.
Programs (United States) Program Director Total Fellowship Spots Open Spots

Brigham and Womens Hospital Chris Potter
Jeff Dileo
6 3
Emory University School of Medicine Mona Vakil 5 3
Indiana University Scott Steenburg 1 1
Jackson Memorial Hospital Ryder Trauma Center, Affiliate with the University of Miami Health System Kim Caban 3 3
Massachusetts General Hospital
Emergency Radiology Fellowship
Advanced Fellowship in Emergency Radiology
Ajay Singh
Michael Lev
4 0
Medical College of Wisconsin Laura Kohl 1 0
Ohio State University Kelly Corrigan 1 1
Oregon Health and Science University Chara Rydzak 1 1
Penn State Health
Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
Michael Bruno 1 1
UMass Medical School Hemang M. Kotecha
1 1
University of Alabama Larissa Peguero, Matthew Roberts, James S. Spann 1 0
University of Cincinnati Greg Stark 1 1
University of Kentucky Barbara Pawley 1 1
University of Louisville Jonathan Joshi (Director)
Josh Holmes
(Assoc. Director)
2 1
University of Maryland Medical Center Matthew Dattwyler 2 1
University of Mississippi Medical Center Daniel Gilmer 2 2
University of Missouri – Kansas City Brandon Stroh
University of New Mexico Samual Martinez 2 2
University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Ron Bilow
Nicholas Beckmann
2 0
University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio Sandhya Vinu-Nair
University of Washington – Harborview Emergency Radiology Claire Sandstrom 3 2
Vanderbilt University Daniel Dunnavant 1 0
Yale School of Medicine Margarita Revzin
Programs (Canada) Program Director    
University of British Columbia Savvas Nicolaou    
University of Ottawa Adnan Sheikh    
University of Toronto
Emergency and Trauma Imaging Fellowship
Sadia Qamar  
University of Toronto
Emergency, Trauma, and Acute Care Fellowship
Shobhit Mathur   Â