Kathirkamanathan Shanmuganathan, MBBS
Research Grant Award

This grant is named in honor of Dr. Kathirkamanathan Shanmuganathan (“Shan”), a pioneer and luminary in emergency and trauma imaging, who’s untimely passing in Fall 2019 left a void in our subspecialty. Dr. Shanmuganathan was a fellow of the American Society of Emergency Radiology and a 2014 recipient of the ASER Gold Medal. He was a prolific researcher, accomplished mentor, and master educator. Throughout his nearly 3-decade career Dr. Shanmuganathan coauthored >100 peer-reviewed journal articles, eighteen textbooks, and innumerable abstracts.

Congratulations to our 2024 Winner

Christina LeBedis, MD, MS, FASER Associate Professor of Radiology, Vice Chair of Radiology Research at Boston Medical Center, has been awarded the 2024 Kathirkamanathan Shanmuganathan Research Grant (Shan Grant) for her project, “Multicenter Blunt Hepatobiliary Trauma: Retrospective Study”.

2025-2026 Grant Information and Application

Application Deadline: June 30, 2025
Application Form: https://aser.memberclicks.net/2025_shanmuganathan_grant

The ASER has initiated a grant program for investigator initiated research of broad importance to the members of the Society. The goal is for the ASER funds to be used to allow members to advance their research and program evaluation projects from single-institution work to multi-centered collaboration. This award is a unique opportunity to build collaboration between individuals and institutions, increasing the impact of emergency radiology research and enabling evaluation of innovation in emergency radiology education. Examples for research might include evaluation of the effectiveness of curricular and educational activities, multi-centered evaluation of the effectiveness of varying imaging protocols and approaches, surveys and data collection to establish best practices and benchmarks, or programmatic evaluation of educational initiatives. The program is also expected to encourage interdisciplinary research or educational efforts between emergency radiologists, emergency medicine physicians, and trauma surgeons. We would expect that collaboration supported by this award program could lead to further potentially larger research and educational innovation downstream.

Number of Grants and Amount

  • $20,000 per award ($10,000 per year for two years)
  • There will be one award per year

Allowable Uses

  • Staff expenses (research assistant, statistics, administrative)
  • Materials (photo illustration, on-line tools)
  • Tuition, books
  • Travel (for collaboration)
  • The award is not expected to support investigator time
  • Please note that the award may not be used to fund institutional indirect costs


  • Principal investigator(s) must be members of the ASER, but applications can come from institutions worldwide.
  • Awardees are expected to present their work at the ASER annual meeting during the grant award period, and to submit a manuscript from the project to the Society Journal Emergency Radiology.
  • Applications must be for projects which are not already currently funded by grant awards from the ASER or other organizations.

Application Process

  • The application deadline is June 30, with formal announcement of the awardee at the ASER Annual Meeting.
  • A committee appointed by the ASER Executive Committee will review applications and select the award winner by late August.


  • Preference for the award will be given to multi-institutional collaborations and issues/programs that involve a broad group of the Society.
  • The committee will determine award winners based on the following:
    • Importance of topic and relevance to ASER
    • Collaboration (multi-institutional, multi-specialty)
    • Project design
    • Applicant credentials
    • Innovation

Submission Process

  • All applications must be submitted electronically.